In this mini-jam/micro-jam, after a short tutorial on how to start making games from scratch with downpour, we want people to try to create a game about resistance from the margins, and the possibility of individual or collective performance. After allowing space and time to make our games in downpour, we will come back together to discuss how we have reflected on identity in our games. We will also create a collaborative Drive folder so that each of us can upload our games and play each other’s games.
Bio: Jugar Juegitos and Resistència Videolúdica are two cultural anticapitalist collectives from Galicia and Catalonia dedicated to the reflection, exhibition, critique, and connection of and around video games in our local communities. Our goal is to explore video games as cultural objects through an interdisciplinary lens. We have organized cultural activities such as the “Club de joc Wholesome” from Resistència Videolúdica and the “Jugar Jueguitos” exhibition from JugarJueguitos.
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