” Consensual Hacking”
Melanie Hoff
  • workshops
Saturday 23
16:00 β€” 17:30
Location : Performance Factory - EXPO

Consensual Hacking can be a vulnerable space of cooperation and trust. Consensual Hacking is a guided activity where people carefully and consensually enter one another’s personal computers remotely.
What is social and digital consent and how are they interwoven? What does it mean to responsibly give and take access and control to our most intimate digital spaces? Is there pleasure to be found in a bounded exchange of trust and vulnerability?
In this workshop, we will learn about secure networking and navigating the terminal. Part of this is about creatively thinking through what our boundaries and desires are by designing and signing sociotechnical contracts; a social and digital protocol towards a loving, secure, & mutual transgression.



BIO : Melanie Hoff is an artist, organizer, technologist, and educator committed to cultivating spaces of learning and feeling that encourage honesty, poetry, and reconciliation for the ways we are shaped by intersecting systems of classification and power. Melanie engages hacking and performance to express the absurdities of these systems while revealing the encoded ways in which they influence how we choose to live and what choices have been made for us. They teach about sex, technology, and social cybernetics at the School for Poetic Computation, Yale University, New York University, and have shown work at the New Museum, the Queens Museum, and elsewhere.

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